LCRA, Alleyton Sewer System Study
Alleyton, Texas
Thonhoff Consulting Engineers (TCE) monitored the LCRA Alleyton wastewater collection system for excessive infiltration and inflow (I/I). The collection system was found to have a base flow of 21,000 gpd and a peak wet weather flow of 39,000 gpd. TCE conducted a visual inspection of the collection system found six manholes in need of immediate repair. An inspection and investigation of pumping rates at the two lift stations discovered the historically used pumping rates to be in error. TCE recalculated the pumping rates based on wetwell drawdown. Flow monitoring was performed using lift station pumping records, and excessive I/I was found to be conveyed by a 10-inch line between two suspect manholes. These manholes were identified for immediate repair.
Services Provided:
Confined Space Entry, Visual Inspection of Sewer, Flow Monitoring through Lift Station Pumping Records, and Final Report Preparation