City of Austin Fire Station Slab and Driveway Repair
Austin, Texas
The project involved developing final plans, specifications, and construction contract documents for slab and driveway repairs for Fire Station No. 10 at 3009 Windsor Drive, Fire Station No. 17 at 4128 South First Street, and Fire Station No. 28 at Parmer Lane in Austin, Texas. First Station #10 required a brand-new slab underneath the building for fire truck parking. Fire Station #17 required a complete replacement of the driveway in front of the station. Fire Station #28 required a driveway repair where a waterline trench subsided. All repairs required City of Austin traffic control and COA site plan permit exemptions. Detailed planning by Thonhoff Consulting Engineers was necessary to keep the fire stations in service during construction.
Services Provided:
Preliminary Design Phase, Final Design Phase, Bid Phase, and Construction Phase.