Regional Water Plan for Participating Municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson Counties
Thonhoff Consulting Engineers prepared a comprehensive regional water plan funded by the Texas Water Development Board. The report concentrated on the municipalities of Falls City, Floresville, Karnes City, Kenedy, Pearsall, Pleasanton, and Runge. Population and water use projections were prepared for each municipality. Existing water supplies were examined including both ground water sources and surface water sources within the four-county area of Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties.
Existing water facilities were inventoried for each municipality and rated capacities were calculated. Future water supply needs for each municipality were identified and projected. Alternatives for a regional water supply were developed. The impact of water conservation was projected for each alternative. An analysis of environmental, social, and economic factors was performed for the study area. TCE provided a recommendation and an implementation plan for regionalization of water systems.
Services Provided:
Final Report