City of Gonzales 1.5 Million Gallon Standpipe Exterior Painting Project
Gonzales, Texas

This project consisted of removal and abatement of an existing lead-based exterior coating on a 1.5 million gallon standpipe. Specifications required an SSPC-SP6/NACE3 surface preparation prior to prime coat application. To control emissions during blasting operations, a combination of vacuum blasting and shrouded wet abrasive blasting was utilized. Blasting and prime coat application occurred during the winter, so a low temperature-cure polyamide epoxy was used for the prime and intermediate coats. Top coats included Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane with a clear coat applied after installation of City of Gonzales logos. Extensive pre-construction and post-construction testing was utilized to ensure that adequate debris collection and ground protection were used and that all Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations were met.

Services Provided: Preliminary Engineering, Design, Bid and Construction Phase Services.