General Civil Engineering Rotation List (2000-2003)
Austin, Texas
The Rotation List Contract involved five assignments. The first assignment provided complete engineering services for expansions of a paved storage area at the City of Austin Material Recycling Facility. The project involved construction of approximately 226 C.Y. of concrete paving for storage of baled recycling products.
The second job provided construction phase services for the IBM Lift Station Relief and Shepherd Mountain Lift Station Relief Project. The IBM relief wastewater line project entailed about 1,000 linear feet of 8-inch sewer and the demolition of the IBM Lift Station. The Shepherd Mountain relief wastewater line involved approximately 2,300 L.F. of 8-inch sewer and the demolition of the Shepherd Mountain Lift Station.
The third project entailed redesigning structural bracing supporting a paper hopper at the City’s Material Recycling Facility to mitigate paper hanging up on the bracing. The project was designed for construction by in-house force account labor.
The fourth assignment provided additional construction phase services for the construction of a pre-engineered metal building housing the existing material recycling equipment. The original project was initially performed under a previous Rotation List Contract.
The fifth assignment involved performing a re-bid of the City’s Harris Branch WWTP Expansion and Lift Station Project. The project originally was performed under a previous rotation list contract. The project bid for $680,000.
Services Provided:
Final Design, City and Environmental Permitting, Bid Phase, and Construction Phase Services.