Engineers’ Rotation List (1997-1999)
Austin, Texas
Thonhoff Consulting Engineers performed seven separate projects under this Rotation List Contract. The Westpark Lift Station TNRCC (now Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) Permitting project required biological and geological investigations and submittal of TCEQ applications for a Water Pollution Abatement Plan. The Traffic Signal Relocation of Anderson Mill Water Transmission Main Project included designing temporary traffic signals and street barricades for seven intersections along RM 620. The Wastewater Lift Station Specification Project entailed assisting City staff with the first draft of new lift station specifications for City projects. The Windsor Hills Lift Station Relief project evaluated the construction of a gravity sewer line to take the Windsor Hills LS out of service. The Shepherd Mountain Lift Station Relief Project involved construction of 2,279 L.F. of 8-inch gravity sewer along City Park Road to relieve and remove the Shepherd Mountain Lift Station from service. The IBM Lift Station Relief Project entailed constructing 990 L.F. of 8-inch gravity sewer line along Burnet Road to relieve and remove the IBM LS from service. The Lamplight Village Utility System Appraisal Project evaluated the condition of the existing water and wastewater utilities within Lamplight Village and provided a cost appraisal to enable the City to purchase this private utility.
Services Provided:
Preliminary Engineering, Environmental Permitting, Utility Evaluation, Cost Appraisals, Final Design, Bid Phase Services, and Construction Phase Services.