Hamilton Creek Interceptor, Reuse Line, and Water Line
The project involved replacement of older, deteriorated, undersized clay interceptor lines and brick manholes with expanded PVC gravity line and concrete manholes going north from the treatment plant along Hamilton Creek into Haley-Nelson Park and up Daugherty Branch to Highway 281 in north-central Burnet. The benefits were increased conveyance capacity for future growth and elimination of existing infiltration and inflow sources.
The project also included installation of a wastewater plant effluent pressure reuse line, connections, and chlorination facilities along the same alignment as the gravity sewer to enable reuse of effluent at existing and future sites in the city and ETJ, minimization of treatment plant discharge, and conservation of potable water use and treatment capacity. The gravity sewer components consisted of approximately 12,700 L.F. of 24-, 21-, and 15-inch PVC gravity sewer, 52 manholes, 4 railroad and highway bores, and existing system reconnections. The 210 reuse components consisted of approximately 11,000 L.F. of 8-inch purple PVC pressure line, 4 railroad and highway bores, chlorination facilities, and reuse irrigation system connections.
The project was funded through the Texas Water Development Board. Approximately 3,085 L.F. of 12-inch C-900 potable water line also extended from the existing water system to the wastewater treatment plant and included related appurtenances and a railroad bore.
Services Provided:
Preliminary Engineering, Environmental, Design, Bid and Construction Services, Permits for LCRA, TDOT, USACE, and TCEQ.