Taylor Branch Lift Station Relief Interceptor
Austin, Texas
This project entailed design of a wastewater interceptor to redirect wastewater flow from the Taylor Branch Lift Station through Mayfield Park to the 96-inch Crosstown Tunnel. The interceptor consisted of 2,230 linear feet of 8-inch to 24-inch sewer line primarily installed by tunneling and boring techniques. A new 9-foot-diameter connection shaft was installed at 35th Street to a depth of 65 feet below ground surface. After the interceptor was placed in service, the Taylor Branch Lift Station was completely decommissioned and demolished. All construction access and demolition sites in Mayfield Park were revegetated to standards established by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department.
Services Provided:
Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Consideration Report, Geophysical Subsurface Imaging, Site Development Permitting through the General Permitting Office, Final Design Phase Services, Bid Phase Services, Construction Phase Services including Resident Project Representation and Construction Mediation/Litigation Services.