Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion to 1.7 MGD
Burnet, Texas
The 1.7 mgd average and 5.1 mgd peak flow plant expansion will enable the City of Burnet, Texas, to replace an old and undersized plant with a completely new process stream to treat projected wastewater flows through the year 2030 to meet permit limits of 10/15/3/5 (CBOD5/TSS/NH3-N/DO mg/l) and be positioned to easily double the capacity for future growth. The design includes mechanical and manual bar screens; influent and effluent Parshall flumes; a combined influent, WAS, and RAS wet pit/dry pit lift station; a 1.0 mg activated sludge basin with dual 100-Hp surface aerators; a single 74-foot-diameter clarifier; dual bank horizontal ultraviolet disinfection unit; approximately 1,380 lf of new 24-inch-diameter outfall line with a headwall at Hamilton Creek; a 0.45 mg aerobic digester with dual 50-Hp surface aerators; a 30-foot-diameter gravity sludge thickener; a 2-meter sludge dewatering tower belt press with 2,000-sf building and covered loading facility; and five back-up existing sludge drying beds. Plant effluent, which is stored in existing ponds at the plant, could, under a TCEQ Type I and II reclaimed water reuse authorization, be utilized for irrigation of agricultural fields, the airport fields, athletic fields, the City golf course, and other City and ETJ areas. The plant-generated Class B sludge will be used in beneficial land application at plant and airport sites.
Services Provided:
Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Report, Design Phase, Bid Phase, Construction Phase, and Warranty Phase Services.