Standpipe Painting
Gonzales, Texas
This project consisted of renovating two standpipes owned and operated by the City of Gonzales. The first phase involved minor structural modifications, replacement of the interior coating and installation of a cathodic protection system for a 1.5 million gallon standpipe. As part of the project, safety climb equipment was upgraded and a drain line was installed on the tank. The interior of the standpipe received a “Near White” blast cleaning and three coats of polyamidoamine epoxy. A dehumidifier unit was used for interior climate control.
The second phase of the project involved interior and exterior renovation of a 2.5 million gallon standpipe. Structural modifications included replacement of safety climb equipment, replacement of roof vent, and installation of a reinforced “door sheet” for the interior renovations. The interior of the standpipe received a “Near White” blast cleaning and three coats of polyamide epoxy. The exterior of the tank received spot “brush blast” and a high-pressure water blast followed by two coats of “direct to metal” hydrophobic acrylic polymer. After coating operations were completed, a new electrical system including obstruction light and cathodic protection system was installed.
Services Provided: Preliminary Engineering, Design, Bid and Construction Phase Services